[DEFAULT] outputdir = # workdir = # srcdir = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(sys.argv[0], '..') os_name = centos-atomic-host os_pretty_name = CentOS Atomic Host docker_os_name = mirror.centos.org/centos7-atomic-builder tree_name = standard tree_file = %(os_name)s.json is_final = True arch = x86_64 release = 7 ref = %(os_name)s/%(release)s/%(arch)s/%(tree_name)s lorax_exclude_packages = oscap-anaconda-addon # Base repository yum_baseurl = http://mirror.centos.org/centos/%(release)s/os/%(arch)s/ # Repositories above and beyond yum_baseurl that lorax can use to compose ISO content. # These need to be provides in a comma separated list. lorax_additional_repos = http://mirror.centos.org/centos/%(release)s/updates/%(arch)s/, http://buildlogs.centos.org/centos/7/atomic/x86_64/Packages/, http://cbs.centos.org/repos/atomic7-testing/x86_64/os/ vsphere_product_name = CentOS Atomic Host vsphere_product_vendor_name = The CentOS Project vsphere_product_version = 7 [7]